Chakra Weighted Tuning Fork Set of 8 w/ Acrylic Gem Fused removable Wand for Oil Massage Acupressure Alternative Therapy Healing Relaxation

Sale price$275.00

8 Set Chakra Color Tuning Fork Set includes 8 Weighted tuning forks that correspond to the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, and Crown Chakra and an 8th tuning fork called Soul Purpose that corresponds with the OM Star or Soul Star Chakra.

The following gemstones are added in each Acrylic Wands are :

Root Chakra - Red Chalcedony

Sacral Chakra - Tiger's Eye

Solar Plexus Chakra - Citrine

Heart Chakra - Green Jade

Throat Chakra - Lapis Lazuli

Third Eye - Agate

Crown Chakra - Amethyst

Soul Star Chakra - Rose Quartz

Chakra Forks with frequencies are :

1st Root/Muladhara - 194.18 Hz

2nd Sacral/Svadhisthana -210.42 Hz

3rd Solar Plexus/Manipura 126.22 Hz

4th Heart/Anahata - 136.10 Hz (also OM Fork)

5th Throat/Vishuddha - 141.27 Hz

6th Third Eye/Ajna - 221.23 Hz

7th Crown/Sahasrara - 172.06 Hz

8th Soul Purpose : 272.20 Hz

For easy identification, each of the tuning Forks come with a chakra symbol drawstring bag and 8 strikers are included with each set.

GemStone associated with each Chakra fork is mentioned below