Chakra Gold Weighted Tuning Fork Set of 8 for Healing with 8 GEM AMPLITUDES and Striker/Mallet Includes Soul Purpose

Sale price$183.17

Product Description :

CHAKRAS - THE ENERGY CENTRES we have to recognize that apart from the physical bodies, it's the feeling behind the events that affects our lives. Each "chakra" is a seat of emotions and feelings that is related to certain organs. The "root" or base chakra is associated with security and survival issues. The "navel" chakra is associated with sexuality and sensations. The primary emotions related to the "solar plexus" chakra are power, ego and status. The chakra associates with feelings of choice. The "heart" chakra is associated with compassion and unconditional love. Feeling of being unloved, unwanted, unworthy and alone affects the organs like the heart, lungs and the thymus gland. The "throat" chakra relates to our expression and our creativity. The "brow" chakra is associated with intuition and trust issues. The "crown" chakra gets involved when we feel that life has no meaning. The diseases that we suffer are a call by the charkas to confront the feelings or issues that each of them deal with. Sometimes a person can fall sick to get attention and love. In healing through the charkas we have to realize that we are responsible for our problems and our cure is within. No healer has a miracle. Everybody knows his or her own truth. The healer helps to get in touch with the body's own wisdom by giving support to open up, to make aware of our feelings. The healer helps to see where the energy is blocked. It may be manifesting at another level than the obvious one. 1st Root/Muladhara - 194.18 Hz :: 2nd Sacral/Svadhisthana -210.42 Hz :: 3rd Solar Plexus/Manipura 126.22 Hz :: 4th Heart/Anahata - 136.10 Hz (also OM Fork) :: 5th Throat/Vishuddha - 141.27 Hz :: 6th Third Eye/Ajna - 221.23 Hz :: 7th Crown/Sahasrara - 172.06 Hz :: 8th Soul Purpose

Gemstone Associated with each Chakra forks are : Root Chakra - Red Chalcedony Sacral Chakra - Tiger's Eye Solar Plexus Chakra - Citrine Heart Chakra - Green Jade Throat Chakra - Lapis Lazuli Third Eye - Agate Crown Chakra - Amethyst Soul Star Chakra - Rose Quartz

Each gemstone is associated with many sound healing benefits. For those who are drawn to crystals, crystal healing is intuitively understood. Many people often feel a connection to their gemstones and crystals, perhaps because of the connection between crystals, light, and the electromagnetic field of the brain. For thousands of years, people have associated different types of crystals, gemstones, and minerals with different energies, healing benefits, and effects on consciousness. With modern technology, it is easier to observe how those connections are possible.